Meet Tiffany
"As a parent and a caregiver of a special needs child the day to day become consumed with their needs and your needs fall by the wayside."
She gets about 4 hours of sleep a night, due to the occurrence of her daughter's nocturnal seizures or less if there are other emergencies that arise. It's a go-go-go lifestyle. Most of the time she barely gets time for a shower or a meal in.
As a nurse, Nurse, Medical Assistant, and a Certified Nurse Assistant working full time outside of the home, it has been difficult caring for her children and meeting their needs, doctor's appointments, specialists, therapies and school, all while trying to balance her own needs as a single parent.
A Needed GetAway
Giving herself permission to get away was a hard-fought decision for her. We are so glad you did and this to have been able to make her Dream of a few days away of rest and relaxation come true.
View Tiffany before her GetAway and after videos